Treasure Fingers: Whip Cream, Silk Sheets, and Machine Guns
Sounds like “whipped cream, lace & silk sheets”. Feels like beads of sweat splashing thunderous rhythms on a bass drum. Looks like Super Kid ice cream. Smells like her first taste of liquor. This was the Toyota Scion‘s official Canadian launch in the Queen West area, tucked neatly behind the buzzing main street at 99 Sudbury. With an insane DJ line up inside and hundreds of sweaty bodies I managed to pull Ashley Jones into a quiet corner (of the men’s bathroom) and have my way with him. No whip cream was harmed in this interview.
So how’s Toronto? Have you seen any of it?
Last time I came I sort of saw a bit from my hotel window, then I had to leave, I’ll come back again. I’m actually around tomorrow so maybe I’ll look around.
Where was your hotel?
Somewhere downtown.
How many provinces do we have [in Canada]?
That I’m unsure of because someone asked me that before and I tried to name them all, but there’s like four weird ones I’ve never even heard of. There’s something like nine or eleven?
Can you name them?
How many is it, nine or eleven?
Just name them. Name the 9 that you know.
If I can Google, I’ll know them.
No no, right now. What are the names the provinces?
I can’t name the provinces, I’m a dumb American.
Just make ‘em up.
I can name (pauses) Quebec… Manitoba… Ontario obviously. Is that the best one? Ontario’s the best one right?
I’m searching for words right now, words.
I don’t know I’m wasted.
Okay if you could name provinces what would they be called then? You have three, if you could name the next six, what would they be called?
(laughs)Makers Mark, Jack Daniels
So bourbon, whiskey…
Bourbon, whiskey, scotch, vodka…gin…I don’t think I could name 9 liquors… liquors…lick, that was southern (laughs)
So what do you think about the cars then? Did you drive one around yet?
Why are you here?
To play at the awesome Scion party.
Exactly, and what do you think of the Scion cars?
I think they’re awesome. I mean they’re launching in Canada, they’ve been in the US for a while. It’s a really cheap, good car. I don’t have one cause I live in New York.
If you could put something in your console what would you put in it?
In my console… my DJ console?
In the Scion.
Oh In the Scion. Probably like an Xbox.
Drive and Xbox?
I would just drive and play Call of Duty while I’m driving, maybe Grand Turismo.
Ok so shoot some people…Or you could just like put a machine gun to the roof of your car.
Just like f*** that red light f*** you pedestrian.
Yeah weapons, That’s what a Scion needs. Scion’s need weapons.
What would the weapon be?
Well on the front you’d need, I dunno some type of gun. Fully automatic.
What about blow darts? You’d want to be pretty discrete, if you just go blowing shit up then you’re just Team America.
A silencer, but on the back you need something that releases grease.
So when the cops are following, hit the grease button cops aren’t going to get you. That’s the perfect Scion for me.
So that’s like out of Mario kart then – Banana slick, oil slick, shoot some turtle shells.
Oh did I steal that idea? I kind of stole that idea from Mario kart I’m sorry.
Still effective though, very effective. What about the crowd here in Toronto?
The crowd here?
Responsive, not responsive?
Yeah they were feeling it. They were clapping their hands, singing the words.
Getting the knee bends going.
Yeah it was good. I wanted to play some gospel house, and get testimonials.
You can play whatever you want.
I know.
And did you…no hold back?
Yeah I didn’t hold back at all.
What’s different here in Canada than it is in the States?
Uh like real freedom?
Yeah, free health care.
Stub your toe on the DJ booth at one point and then right away.
Yeah go get it fixed.
No problems, no questions asked, you know
It’s laid back I think. The US is a bit, a bit, tense. I like it but it’s a bit tense.
Have you always lived there?
Where? Have you lived all over?
I grew up in Oklahoma, I lived in Atlanta, and then I moved to New York. That’s my three places, really.
Planning on moving at all?
Um I don’t know. I kind of want to move to Europe just to do the European thing.
Like backpacking?
Nah, I don’t like backpacking.
Like straight live, live the lifestyle.
Get a house and live there. Walk around and buy fruit, I don’t know. Whatever Europeans do.
Fruit in Europe? That’s expensive. You want fruit you’ve got to go to Argentina, or Mexico.
What do they have in Europe that’s cheap?
Cobblestones a lot cheaper there than in the United States. At some point I would like to…To be honest, no offence against LA, the parties are awesome, I love playing there, but I’m not a huge fan of the west coast, but I think at some point I would like to move to San Diego, and just live on the beach, and just open my doors, hear the waves.
What sports do you do?
Anything? You’ll be in San Diego, do you want to surf?
I might turn into a surfer bro.
The hair is growing out, nice long locks.
I’ll bleach it. I don’t know, I used to skateboard, maybe I’ll skateboard.
Do you think where you live changes your influence on music?
Um I think so unless you’re a weirdo who’s antisocial like me that stays inside all the time. But I think most people if you go out you’ll hear in that area what’s kind of hot there. When I go out I do hear a lot of cool shit. I don’t know, I like New York because there are so many artists living there its good for collaborations.
So just music or are you into actual art – paintings, drawings, etc…
Yeah I like art. I’m kind of mixing modern art, I laugh at half of it and the other half I’m like wow this is amazing. I used to draw and I was a graphic designer forever. I keep up with art too.
What about any art that is associated with your mixes.
Well the covers are released on Fools Gold, they have an in house designer, he’s awesome, Dust la Rock. His art is always amazing aside from that, I don’t know. Often when I’m playing a gig someone’s like VJing their graphics, half the time its really shitty, the other half it’s amazing.
How would you say your music is inspired?
Ultimately it comes from old disco and funk like just feel good party music shit. I just try to recreate that vibe [disco era] with current technology, I guess.
When you hear a song you like, are you instantly going to remix it?
As far as remixes lately I haven’t had enough time, just been traveling, and playing Xbox. I don’t have time for remixes.
Would you put your music in an Xbox game?
Yeah I have before, I had some tracks in Need For Speed: Most Wanted. Usually a remix offer comes in if its a really great song, cool I know it’ll be easy to remix I’ll do it. If its a weird song then I’m like uhhhhhh.
So you make music and they find you? Or do you find who you need to make music for?
Remixes they usually come to my management, otherwise I usually make music and we go out and find labels for it.
Do you have a little basement studio or in your bedroom?
No I have like a proper studio in a little complex, a lot of dubstep producers. I walk in everyday to waaah waaah wahhh womp. Lots of wobble bass. And then I go to my little room and close the door. I don’t hear it anymore. I’m making house music.
So if you were to define, ‘My music sounds like’
On my Myspace I put silk sheets and whipped cream.
Whipped cream and silk sheets and lace?
Lace, yeah lace.
Lace and silk sheets. Define that.
I think now I want to say it sounds like smiles.
Like good times?
Yeah good times. The best times.
Like smiling now or smiling because you’ve remember something?
Yeah that’s a good point.
Like you smile cuz right now im having a good time?
No it just reminds me of a good time.
Exactly and I find I smile even harder.
That’s a good point to bring up. Maybe its both.
Music it happens all the time. It’s reoccurring.
When someone hears something that familiar to them it brings back memories and there like I’m smiling, why am I smiling oh that bass line sounds like this bass line.
Sounds like lace sheets.
Yeah. [laughs]
I’ve never had lace sheets. Have you?
No but I think they would be like sexy and a good time.
Whipped cream and lace sheets?
Silk sheets.
Lace and silk sheets.
That a good time.
(all laughs)
I think its a good time, I’ve never experienced that.
Oh so maybe its even better don’t really know, it’s a dream.
It’s like uh a fantasy, a fantasy world…of house music.
Sounds like "whipped cream, lace & silk sheets". Feels like beads of sweat splashing thunderous rhythms on a bass drum. Looks like Super Kid ice cream. Smells like her first taste of liquor. This was the Toyota Scion's official Canadian launch in the Queen West area, tucked neatly behind the buzzing main street at 99 Sudbury. With an insane DJ line up inside and hundreds of sweaty bodies I managed to pull Ashley Jones into a quiet corner (of the men's bathroom) and have my way with him. No whip cream was harmed in this interview.
So how’s Toronto? Have you seen any of it?
Last time I came I sort of saw a bit from my hotel window, then I had to leave, I'll come back again. I'm actually around tomorrow so maybe I’ll look around.
Where was your hotel?
Somewhere downtown.
How many provinces do we have [in Canada]?
That I’m unsure of because someone asked me that before and I tried to name them all, but there’s like four weird ones I’ve never even heard of. There’s something like nine or eleven?
Can you name them?
How many is it, nine or eleven?
Just name them. Name the 9 that you know.
If I can Google, I’ll know them.
No no, right now. What are the names the provinces?
I can’t name the provinces, I’m a dumb American.
Just make ‘em up.
I can name (pauses) Quebec… Manitoba... Ontario obviously. Is that the best one? Ontario’s the best one right?
I’m searching for words right now, words.
I don’t know I’m wasted.
Okay if you could name provinces what would they be called then? You have three, if you could name the next six, what would they be called?
(laughs)Makers Mark, Jack Daniels
So bourbon, whiskey…
Bourbon, whiskey, scotch, vodka…gin…I don’t think I could name 9 liquors… liquors…lick, that was southern (laughs)
So what do you think about the cars then? Did you drive one around yet?
Why are you here?
To play at the awesome Scion party.
Exactly, and what do you think of the Scion cars?
I think they're awesome. I mean they’re launching in Canada, they’ve been in the US for a while. It’s a really cheap, good car. I don’t have one cause I live in New York.
If you could put something in your console what would you put in it?
In my console… my DJ console?
In the Scion.
Oh In the Scion. Probably like an Xbox.
Drive and Xbox?
I would just drive and play Call of Duty while I’m driving, maybe Grand Turismo.
Ok so shoot some people…Or you could just like put a machine gun to the roof of your car.
Just like f*** that red light f*** you pedestrian.
Yeah weapons, That’s what a Scion needs. Scion’s need weapons.
What would the weapon be?
Well on the front you’d need, I dunno some type of gun. Fully automatic.
What about blow darts? You’d want to be pretty discrete, if you just go blowing shit up then you’re just Team America.
A silencer, but on the back you need something that releases grease.
So when the cops are following, hit the grease button cops aren’t going to get you. That’s the perfect Scion for me.
So that’s like out of Mario kart then - Banana slick, oil slick, shoot some turtle shells.
Oh did I steal that idea? I kind of stole that idea from Mario kart I’m sorry.
Still effective though, very effective. What about the crowd here in Toronto?
The crowd here?
Responsive, not responsive?
Yeah they were feeling it. They were clapping their hands, singing the words.
Getting the knee bends going.
Yeah it was good. I wanted to play some gospel house, and get testimonials.
You can play whatever you want.
I know.
And did you…no hold back?
Yeah I didn’t hold back at all.
What’s different here in Canada than it is in the States?
Uh like real freedom?
Yeah, free health care.
Stub your toe on the DJ booth at one point and then right away.
Yeah go get it fixed.
No problems, no questions asked, you know
It’s laid back I think. The US is a bit, a bit, tense. I like it but it’s a bit tense.
Have you always lived there?
Where? Have you lived all over?
I grew up in Oklahoma, I lived in Atlanta, and then I moved to New York. That’s my three places, really.
Planning on moving at all?
Um I don’t know. I kind of want to move to Europe just to do the European thing.
Like backpacking?
Nah, I don’t like backpacking.
Like straight live, live the lifestyle.
Get a house and live there. Walk around and buy fruit, I don’t know. Whatever Europeans do.
Fruit in Europe? That’s expensive. You want fruit you’ve got to go to Argentina, or Mexico.
What do they have in Europe that’s cheap?
Cobblestones a lot cheaper there than in the United States. At some point I would like to…To be honest, no offence against LA, the parties are awesome, I love playing there, but I’m not a huge fan of the west coast, but I think at some point I would like to move to San Diego, and just live on the beach, and just open my doors, hear the waves.
What sports do you do?
Anything? You’ll be in San Diego, do you want to surf?
I might turn into a surfer bro.
The hair is growing out, nice long locks.
I’ll bleach it. I don’t know, I used to skateboard, maybe I’ll skateboard.
Do you think where you live changes your influence on music?
Um I think so unless you’re a weirdo who’s antisocial like me that stays inside all the time. But I think most people if you go out you’ll hear in that area what’s kind of hot there. When I go out I do hear a lot of cool shit. I don’t know, I like New York because there are so many artists living there its good for collaborations.
So just music or are you into actual art - paintings, drawings, etc…
Yeah I like art. I’m kind of mixing modern art, I laugh at half of it and the other half I’m like wow this is amazing. I used to draw and I was a graphic designer forever. I keep up with art too.
What about any art that is associated with your mixes.
Well the covers are released on Fools Gold, they have an in house designer, he’s awesome, Dust la Rock. His art is always amazing aside from that, I don’t know. Often when I’m playing a gig someone’s like VJing their graphics, half the time its really shitty, the other half it's amazing.
How would you say your music is inspired?
Ultimately it comes from old disco and funk like just feel good party music shit. I just try to recreate that vibe [disco era] with current technology, I guess.
When you hear a song you like, are you instantly going to remix it?
As far as remixes lately I haven’t had enough time, just been traveling, and playing Xbox. I don’t have time for remixes.
Would you put your music in an Xbox game?
Yeah I have before, I had some tracks in Need For Speed: Most Wanted. Usually a remix offer comes in if its a really great song, cool I know it’ll be easy to remix I’ll do it. If its a weird song then I’m like uhhhhhh.
So you make music and they find you? Or do you find who you need to make music for?
Remixes they usually come to my management, otherwise I usually make music and we go out and find labels for it.
Do you have a little basement studio or in your bedroom?
No I have like a proper studio in a little complex, a lot of dubstep producers. I walk in everyday to waaah waaah wahhh womp. Lots of wobble bass. And then I go to my little room and close the door. I don’t hear it anymore. I’m making house music.
So if you were to define, ‘My music sounds like’
On my Myspace I put silk sheets and whipped cream.
Whipped cream and silk sheets and lace?
Lace, yeah lace.
Lace and silk sheets. Define that.
I think now I want to say it sounds like smiles.
Like good times?
Yeah good times. The best times.
Like smiling now or smiling because you’ve remember something?
Yeah that’s a good point.
Like you smile cuz right now im having a good time?
No it just reminds me of a good time.
Exactly and I find I smile even harder.
That’s a good point to bring up. Maybe its both.
Music it happens all the time. It's reoccurring.
When someone hears something that familiar to them it brings back memories and there like I’m smiling, why am I smiling oh that bass line sounds like this bass line.
Sounds like lace sheets.
Yeah. [laughs]
I’ve never had lace sheets. Have you?
No but I think they would be like sexy and a good time.
Whipped cream and lace sheets?
Silk sheets.
Lace and silk sheets.
That a good time.
(all laughs)
I think its a good time, I’ve never experienced that.
Oh so maybe its even better don’t really know, it’s a dream.
It’s like uh a fantasy, a fantasy world…of house music.