Toronto’s DJ Starting From Scratch explains why he didn’t play Drake tracks in 2006
Shortly after we re-released our 2006 interview with Drake Toronto’s most iconic DJ, Starting From Scratch took to instagram to elaborate on an answer Drake gave a decade ago.
When we had originally interviewed Drake and even earlier today, we interpreted his response as a tongue-in-cheek reply, a friendly knock to the city’s most respected DJ. Reflecting upon the line we feared that the line could be mis-interpreted as a serious answer, bringing out the internet trolls and Drake Stan’s. As we read Scratch’s explanation we knew immediately that it was such an incredible part of the story that hadn’t been told so we felt compelled to share. With SFS’s permission, here is his post as originally appeared on his Instagram page.
“Funny. Little backstory about @champagnepapi & I. So this online mag just re-released an interview they did with Drake in ’06. I was on Flow 93.5 at the time & was doing my thing in the clubs. I had gotten a few joints from him & met him a few times back then, this was before all the fame.
I hadn’t heard anything that I really liked from him at the time so I wasn’t playing his stuff on the radio or in club sets. People would come to me & ask me why I’m not playing him, he’s the next big thing & I would say “cuz I haven’t heard anything I like yet”.
Lemme explain something first: I don’t listen to lyrics, I just hear/feel the music/vibe of a record so it doesn’t matter to me if you’re the best lyricist out there, I need to like the beat. After awhile, it got really annoying cuz people would start pitting us against each other & made it into a personal thing, saying I don’t like Drake & I have it out for him & that’s why I wasn’t playing his stuff.
Not true at all.
It was simple: Get me a song I like & I’ll play it. Then he released “Do What you Do” & I killed that record on radio & in clubs (I still have the dub he did for me).
I’m pretty sure he didn’t like me very much but I’ll always give him respect for sticking to his guns (as did I) & he (or his crew) kept on sending me stuff until I found one I really liked. He gave me the highest honor when he came on my radio show & let me run the worldwide premiere of “Over”, before anyone else got it & I’ll always have the utmost respect for him for that.
His sound/production has progressed so much & as everyone now knows, he’s a beast. I haven’t seen Drake in person in a few years & I would hope there’s no animosity anymore. I’m super proud of all his accomplishments, as I am of everyone that has broken the barriers & become successful @russellpeters @kardinalo @boi1da @ovo40 & others.
Thx to @ianandreespinet for showing me this article. I was a bit shocked to read that he had said that but hey, I guess that means that I was the musical bar that needed to be passed & that’s a big compliment. Looking fwd to taking in “Views” tomorrow, well, the beats anyways.”
Shortly after we re-released our 2006 interview with Drake Toronto's most iconic DJ, Starting From Scratch took to instagram to elaborate on an answer Drake gave a decade ago.
When we had originally interviewed Drake and even earlier today, we interpreted his response as a tongue-in-cheek reply, a friendly knock to the city's most respected DJ. Reflecting upon the line we feared that the line could be mis-interpreted as a serious answer, bringing out the internet trolls and Drake Stan's. As we read Scratch's explanation we knew immediately that it was such an incredible part of the story that hadn't been told so we felt compelled to share. With SFS's permission, here is his post as originally appeared on his Instagram page.
"Funny. Little backstory about @champagnepapi & I. So this online mag just re-released an interview they did with Drake in '06. I was on Flow 93.5 at the time & was doing my thing in the clubs. I had gotten a few joints from him & met him a few times back then, this was before all the fame.
I hadn't heard anything that I really liked from him at the time so I wasn't playing his stuff on the radio or in club sets. People would come to me & ask me why I'm not playing him, he's the next big thing & I would say "cuz I haven't heard anything I like yet".
Lemme explain something first: I don't listen to lyrics, I just hear/feel the music/vibe of a record so it doesn't matter to me if you're the best lyricist out there, I need to like the beat. After awhile, it got really annoying cuz people would start pitting us against each other & made it into a personal thing, saying I don't like Drake & I have it out for him & that's why I wasn't playing his stuff.
Not true at all.
It was simple: Get me a song I like & I'll play it. Then he released "Do What you Do" & I killed that record on radio & in clubs (I still have the dub he did for me).
I'm pretty sure he didn't like me very much but I'll always give him respect for sticking to his guns (as did I) & he (or his crew) kept on sending me stuff until I found one I really liked. He gave me the highest honor when he came on my radio show & let me run the worldwide premiere of "Over", before anyone else got it & I'll always have the utmost respect for him for that.
His sound/production has progressed so much & as everyone now knows, he's a beast. I haven't seen Drake in person in a few years & I would hope there's no animosity anymore. I'm super proud of all his accomplishments, as I am of everyone that has broken the barriers & become successful @russellpeters @kardinalo @boi1da @ovo40 & others.
Thx to @ianandreespinet for showing me this article. I was a bit shocked to read that he had said that but hey, I guess that means that I was the musical bar that needed to be passed & that's a big compliment. Looking fwd to taking in "Views" tomorrow, well, the beats anyways."