DO’s & DON’Ts: Halloween Costume Ideas
We all know someone who feels like Halloween is the best holiday of the year. Tendencies often lead to jump at any excuse to dress up and act a fool, but with great fun come great responsibility.
Sometimes that responsibility can be overwhelming when left unguided. Sooo, we’ve taken the liberty to put together your ultimate guide to dressing up this holiday season (You’re welcome).
If you are like us, you are probably tired of seeing the typical “seen-that-hit-that” type of costumes that somehow manage to pop up every year. We cannot stress enough that in order to remedy this problem you must commit to straying as far away as possible from any costume that is straight out of a costume store.
Mainly avoid dressing up as: Pimps, Hoes, Pirates, Doctors (OBGYNs), Firefighters, Cops & Robbers, Homeless people (may cause confusion when really intoxicated).
Also avoid 1920’s Gansta’s & flappers, nurses, witches, costumes that make girls dress like guys or guys dress like girls, Octo-mom, or any D-list celebrity, Reality TV star, or basically any celebrity (No one cares to see your imitation of Kim Kardashian’s butt).
Do not by any means partake in the following:
Cast of the Jersey Shore … People killed it last year, this year South Park’s cover was the funniest it will get, DNR (Do Not Resuscitate)
Bra & Underwear: trying to pass it off as a fairy, angel, nurse or any other costume its not. It does not look nor will it ever look like what you’re trying to pass it off as, we get it … you’re a little bit scantilous.
Politicians, we’ve seen enough with the Palin costumes.
Anything AMERICAN APPAREL … no it is not a quick fix solution … it’s simply played out and lazy.
ANY VERSION OF GAGA … cannot stress this enough. Last year it was okay to doll up like your fave version of the starlette but we’re over it. Unless you have the balls to try this one:
Costumes that don’t allow you to move through crowds or get in and out of taxis … they’re no fun for the people you’re with, no one wants to wait while you haul ass behind them.
Fashion Icons (Putting on a fur coat and carrying around a Starbucks cup does NOT make you Rachel Zoe)
Couple costumes, the dude always ends up pitied for being roped into this dud duo idea.
Avoid costumes that hit too close to home: White trash, thug or gang member, homeless, guido, fashion victim. It may mirror your life too closely causing others to ask the following…
Anything that makes people have to ask you, “What are you?”
DO however:
Go for clever group costumes (Seven deadly sins, Harlem Globetrotters, Three Blind Mice, etc.)
Get friends together and go as the cast of MadMen… refer to MadMen fansite for full details … If you pull this off flawlessly, please send us pics ([email protected])
Choose a typical costume (Sailor, Alice In Wonderland, Gladiator, etc.) and DIY … it makes all the difference.
Pick Accuracy over Sluttiness… getting a full costume together will out trump anybody’s lack of costume
Try under appreciated superheroes and villains (Cast from Kick-Ass, Rocky & Bullwinkle’s Natasha Fatale, or the Princess & the Frog’s Dr. Facilier)
Old School cartoon characters like Archie and the Gang, because everybody likes a good girl vs. bad girl combo
Halloween is supposed to be fun and creative. Too often people complain about costumes killing their wallets if low on budget shop thrift & second-hand stores for clothing and accessory items. Remember:
Go all out … No one is going to diss you for your costume being too f**cking awesome
And if all else fails… Barbra Streisand.
We all know someone who feels like Halloween is the best holiday of the year. Tendencies often lead to jump at any excuse to dress up and act a fool, but with great fun come great responsibility.
Sometimes that responsibility can be overwhelming when left unguided. Sooo, we've taken the liberty to put together your ultimate guide to dressing up this holiday season (You're welcome).
If you are like us, you are probably tired of seeing the typical "seen-that-hit-that" type of costumes that somehow manage to pop up every year. We cannot stress enough that in order to remedy this problem you must commit to straying as far away as possible from any costume that is straight out of a costume store.
Mainly avoid dressing up as: Pimps, Hoes, Pirates, Doctors (OBGYNs), Firefighters, Cops & Robbers, Homeless people (may cause confusion when really intoxicated).
Also avoid 1920’s Gansta’s & flappers, nurses, witches, costumes that make girls dress like guys or guys dress like girls, Octo-mom, or any D-list celebrity, Reality TV star, or basically any celebrity (No one cares to see your imitation of Kim Kardashian’s butt).
Do not by any means partake in the following:
Cast of the Jersey Shore ... People killed it last year, this year South Park’s cover was the funniest it will get, DNR (Do Not Resuscitate)
Bra & Underwear: trying to pass it off as a fairy, angel, nurse or any other costume its not. It does not look nor will it ever look like what you're trying to pass it off as, we get it … you’re a little bit scantilous.
Politicians, we’ve seen enough with the Palin costumes.
Anything AMERICAN APPAREL ... no it is not a quick fix solution ... it's simply played out and lazy.
ANY VERSION OF GAGA … cannot stress this enough. Last year it was okay to doll up like your fave version of the starlette but we’re over it. Unless you have the balls to try this one:
Costumes that don't allow you to move through crowds or get in and out of taxis ... they're no fun for the people you're with, no one wants to wait while you haul ass behind them.
Fashion Icons (Putting on a fur coat and carrying around a Starbucks cup does NOT make you Rachel Zoe)
Couple costumes, the dude always ends up pitied for being roped into this dud duo idea.
Avoid costumes that hit too close to home: White trash, thug or gang member, homeless, guido, fashion victim. It may mirror your life too closely causing others to ask the following...
Anything that makes people have to ask you, “What are you?”
DO however:
Go for clever group costumes (Seven deadly sins, Harlem Globetrotters, Three Blind Mice, etc.)
Get friends together and go as the cast of MadMen... refer to MadMen fansite for full details ... If you pull this off flawlessly, please send us pics ([email protected])
Choose a typical costume (Sailor, Alice In Wonderland, Gladiator, etc.) and DIY … it makes all the difference.
Pick Accuracy over Sluttiness... getting a full costume together will out trump anybody's lack of costume
Try under appreciated superheroes and villains (Cast from Kick-Ass, Rocky & Bullwinkle's Natasha Fatale, or the Princess & the Frog's Dr. Facilier)
Old School cartoon characters like Archie and the Gang, because everybody likes a good girl vs. bad girl combo
Halloween is supposed to be fun and creative. Too often people complain about costumes killing their wallets if low on budget shop thrift & second-hand stores for clothing and accessory items. Remember:
Go all out … No one is going to diss you for your costume being too f**cking awesome
And if all else fails… Barbra Streisand.