Inspiration Wanted
Instagram has Redefined Street Style
It’s simple to get your daily dose of instant inspiration, thanks to Instagram. Get inspired by the latest trends now and share your inspiration with an interactive community.
Visual Communication
With the evolution of Instagram, almost every fashion admirer has the opportunity to take their most recent purchase straight to the inspiration portal of Instagram. Instagram delivers the capability to retrieve inspiration but what attracts the street-style bloggers the most is the capability to share inspiration. With a simple snap your latest purchase is on the photo-sharing platform that has now reached 130 million active users. Not only are these fashion enthusiasts thriving inside of Instagram but fashion brands are quickly seeing how this social platform went from a trend to a global visual communication tool.
Fashion brands now have the opportunity to see how customers are wearing their latest collection, they can understand the items that are generating the most attention, and hone in on some of the most popular street-style bloggers and influencers that are rocking the Instagram world.
A Street-Style Environment
Fashion bloggers have certainly met their match with Instagram, an easy and simple way to show creativity and style. Instagram is the perfect solution to retrieve inspiration but what attracts the street-style bloggers the most is the capability to share inspiration. The secret to Instagram fame doesn’t just lie in a quick click, it is all about creating an experience around the outfit and catching the magic that surrounds the environment, in other words it is all about the details. And today, this inspiration photo sharing platform is reaching record numbers. Here are just a few numbers to show how visual the world is today and how influential Instagram has become.
Topping the list in terms of followers is fashion blog, Song of Style’s Instagram account. This fashion blog posts 3-5 photos per day on ‘total’ looks, shoes and detailed accessory shots. Song of Style has reached almost 1 million followers and on average the photos receive over 2,000 likes. Let’s jump over to another fashion blog, Sincerely Jules, who is combining her fashion sense with her sense of humor and creating street-style shoots that are certainly attracting the fashion brands and followers. Picked up by Guess Jeans and Mango, she not only styled the shoot but appeared in the shoot.
That’s not all, topping out with over half a million followers and averaging over 1,000 likes per photo, she uses Instagram as a communication tool for her blog. Instagram is not only being used as a communication tool, but it can be used as a way for fashion bloggers to show off their capabilities. Take fashion blogger, Tommy Lei at MyBelonging, he co-hosted a Ted Baker event where he styled all of the models on-site. The best part of the event was the noise that he created when partnering with Fashion social network, Lookmazing, a network that rewards individuals for transforming outfit photos into shoppable looks. Simply hashtag #lookmazing to get featured. Do it we dare you!
Indeed, the style images these bloggers are posting are something to be liked, but remember — it’s not just about the outfit. Street-style can almost be looked at as a daily photoshoot; it is all about fusing design with fashion and never forgetting the details.
The Benefit for Fashion Brands
It’s super important to remember that street-style is all about showcasing your style, all in an instant. But how much of an effect is Instagram having on fashion brands? Thanks to Fashionbi, the world leader in business intelligence for the fashion industry, fashion brands can now understand who is speaking about them, when, where and what they are saying. It is possible to see an in-depth report to understand how many followers and fans are tagging your fashion brand and the effect a fashion brand’s activity has on the user activity. A quick peek into Dolce and Gabbana’s Instagram and we saw the effect of how powerful the Italian street-style and fashion blogger Chiara Ferragni, from The Blonde Salad, can be. During a one-month period, two of the most popular hashtags by the users on Dolce&Gabbana’s Instagram account were #Chiaraferragni and #TheBlondeSaladGoesToBrazil. Interesting, the effect that a street-style and infamous outfit influencer can have on a brand. It was also identified that the follower growth increased by 57,865 during the one-month period, which is up 33% over the last period. Another ultra-powerful and famous fashion blogger, Scott Schuman at The Sartorialist, partnered with the All-American handbag brand, Coach. The objective was to capture Coach’s Summer in the City, but it was also to generate awareness on Coach Men, and it absolutely did. After the partnership with The Sartorialist, CoachMens hashtag quickly started to make a statement across Twitter and Instagram. Looks like this influential fashion blog, boosted some attention on what was once known as a female brand.
Not only can fashion brands maximize partnerships with key influencers who may have more followers than the brand themselves, they can also use Instagram as a platform to understand the consumer’s behavior. Fashion brands can be inspired, as much as the followers themselves, to develop new products, new lines — and a good understanding of the styles and collection that may not have attracted so much attention and buzz. As a fashion brand you can understand how your collection was perceived instantly — and by the real street-style enthusiasts and key followers of your brand. The revolution of instant communication is certainly not new but the rise in visual instant communication is rocking the world of fashion, fashion brands, and street-style bloggers. We all love the simplicity of looking into an image and quickly being inspired, especially when the beauty not only lies within the outfit but within the experience that the image creates. Instagram is a community that comes together, so why not sharing your world and your sense of fashion within a powerful community.
It’s simple to get your daily dose of instant inspiration, thanks to Instagram. Get inspired by the latest trends now and share your inspiration with an interactive community.
Visual Communication
With the evolution of Instagram, almost every fashion admirer has the opportunity to take their most recent purchase straight to the inspiration portal of Instagram. Instagram delivers the capability to retrieve inspiration but what attracts the street-style bloggers the most is the capability to share inspiration. With a simple snap your latest purchase is on the photo-sharing platform that has now reached 130 million active users. Not only are these fashion enthusiasts thriving inside of Instagram but fashion brands are quickly seeing how this social platform went from a trend to a global visual communication tool.
Fashion brands now have the opportunity to see how customers are wearing their latest collection, they can understand the items that are generating the most attention, and hone in on some of the most popular street-style bloggers and influencers that are rocking the Instagram world.
A Street-Style Environment
Fashion bloggers have certainly met their match with Instagram, an easy and simple way to show creativity and style. Instagram is the perfect solution to retrieve inspiration but what attracts the street-style bloggers the most is the capability to share inspiration. The secret to Instagram fame doesn’t just lie in a quick click, it is all about creating an experience around the outfit and catching the magic that surrounds the environment, in other words it is all about the details. And today, this inspiration photo sharing platform is reaching record numbers. Here are just a few numbers to show how visual the world is today and how influential Instagram has become.
Topping the list in terms of followers is fashion blog, Song of Style’s Instagram account. This fashion blog posts 3-5 photos per day on ‘total’ looks, shoes and detailed accessory shots. Song of Style has reached almost 1 million followers and on average the photos receive over 2,000 likes. Let’s jump over to another fashion blog, Sincerely Jules, who is combining her fashion sense with her sense of humor and creating street-style shoots that are certainly attracting the fashion brands and followers. Picked up by Guess Jeans and Mango, she not only styled the shoot but appeared in the shoot.
That’s not all, topping out with over half a million followers and averaging over 1,000 likes per photo, she uses Instagram as a communication tool for her blog. Instagram is not only being used as a communication tool, but it can be used as a way for fashion bloggers to show off their capabilities. Take fashion blogger, Tommy Lei at MyBelonging, he co-hosted a Ted Baker event where he styled all of the models on-site. The best part of the event was the noise that he created when partnering with Fashion social network, Lookmazing, a network that rewards individuals for transforming outfit photos into shoppable looks. Simply hashtag #lookmazing to get featured. Do it we dare you!
Indeed, the style images these bloggers are posting are something to be liked, but remember -- it’s not just about the outfit. Street-style can almost be looked at as a daily photoshoot; it is all about fusing design with fashion and never forgetting the details.
The Benefit for Fashion Brands
It’s super important to remember that street-style is all about showcasing your style, all in an instant. But how much of an effect is Instagram having on fashion brands? Thanks to Fashionbi, the world leader in business intelligence for the fashion industry, fashion brands can now understand who is speaking about them, when, where and what they are saying. It is possible to see an in-depth report to understand how many followers and fans are tagging your fashion brand and the effect a fashion brand’s activity has on the user activity. A quick peek into Dolce and Gabbana’s Instagram and we saw the effect of how powerful the Italian street-style and fashion blogger Chiara Ferragni, from The Blonde Salad, can be. During a one-month period, two of the most popular hashtags by the users on Dolce&Gabbana’s Instagram account were #Chiaraferragni and #TheBlondeSaladGoesToBrazil. Interesting, the effect that a street-style and infamous outfit influencer can have on a brand. It was also identified that the follower growth increased by 57,865 during the one-month period, which is up 33% over the last period. Another ultra-powerful and famous fashion blogger, Scott Schuman at The Sartorialist, partnered with the All-American handbag brand, Coach. The objective was to capture Coach’s Summer in the City, but it was also to generate awareness on Coach Men, and it absolutely did. After the partnership with The Sartorialist, CoachMens hashtag quickly started to make a statement across Twitter and Instagram. Looks like this influential fashion blog, boosted some attention on what was once known as a female brand.
Not only can fashion brands maximize partnerships with key influencers who may have more followers than the brand themselves, they can also use Instagram as a platform to understand the consumer’s behavior. Fashion brands can be inspired, as much as the followers themselves, to develop new products, new lines -- and a good understanding of the styles and collection that may not have attracted so much attention and buzz. As a fashion brand you can understand how your collection was perceived instantly -- and by the real street-style enthusiasts and key followers of your brand. The revolution of instant communication is certainly not new but the rise in visual instant communication is rocking the world of fashion, fashion brands, and street-style bloggers. We all love the simplicity of looking into an image and quickly being inspired, especially when the beauty not only lies within the outfit but within the experience that the image creates. Instagram is a community that comes together, so why not sharing your world and your sense of fashion within a powerful community.