K.I.K. Free BBM To iPhone Messaging
BlackBerry enthusiasts live for their BBM (BlackBerry Messenger). How many times have you tried to get your iPhone fanatic friends to switch to BlackBerry so you can message them in real-time, and for free!? Well you can’t always win them over, but at least you can compromise thanks to a service called KiK.
KiK is a third party application for both BlackBerry & iPhone that lets you message your friends in real-time, for FREE!
Here’s how it works. Point your BlackBerry browser to http://kik.com/m , or your iPhone to http://www.kik.com/download to download and install the app. Once you register your phone, KiK will check your address book for other friend’s who use KiK and instantly add them to your KiK buddy list. Now you can instantly message them for FREE, and in real-time, just like BBM!
Another great feature is FREE SMS. KiK will provide you with a local number that you can use to SMS text your friends who don’t have the KiK service for up to free 50 text messages every month. After you reach your 50 text limit they ask you to purchase more. But that’s feature is just a perk to the universal BBM style service they provide.
Send this to all your BlackBerry and iPhone friends and Get KiKing!
[UPDATE] Tera, KiK’s Community Manager, let us know that KiK is available for Android as well! Now we can all chat for free together! Download the Android Beta version HERE!
BlackBerry enthusiasts live for their BBM (BlackBerry Messenger). How many times have you tried to get your iPhone fanatic friends to switch to BlackBerry so you can message them in real-time, and for free!? Well you can’t always win them over, but at least you can compromise thanks to a service called KiK.
KiK is a third party application for both BlackBerry & iPhone that lets you message your friends in real-time, for FREE!
Here’s how it works. Point your BlackBerry browser to http://kik.com/m , or your iPhone to http://www.kik.com/download to download and install the app. Once you register your phone, KiK will check your address book for other friend’s who use KiK and instantly add them to your KiK buddy list. Now you can instantly message them for FREE, and in real-time, just like BBM!
Another great feature is FREE SMS. KiK will provide you with a local number that you can use to SMS text your friends who don’t have the KiK service for up to free 50 text messages every month. After you reach your 50 text limit they ask you to purchase more. But that’s feature is just a perk to the universal BBM style service they provide.
Send this to all your BlackBerry and iPhone friends and Get KiKing!
[UPDATE] Tera, KiK's Community Manager, let us know that KiK is available for Android as well! Now we can all chat for free together! Download the Android Beta version HERE!