Fancy Feet: Mens Fall Footwear
First impressions can usually make or break a greeting, interview, or any social encounter. Appearance is very important when venturing out and about into the scrutinizing eye of the public, and no occasion is more important than that first glance. This means making sensible fashion choices are a necessity. Being exposed to the elements of coerced social situations can arise at any time, therefore being dressed to impress or at least appearing presentable, makes all the difference.
Dressing up all the time may seem like a daunting task for some, but trust me, throwing on something nice and looking in the mirror before leaving the house will surely save you potential embarrassment when you’re caught by an important meet & greet.
So where do you begin? Some will say to start from top to bottom but realistically, shoes make or break an outfit. Most women will first glance at your facial features shortly after, her eyes will be evaluating (judging, dare I say) what type of shoes you have on. To compliment your choice of outerwear, certain outfits require a specific type of footwear. This upcoming fall, we’re going to help you be prepared for the stares.
Get fall ready with an arsenal of casual oxfords, sneakers, boots, and all kinds of wingtip dress shoes. They can all be exceptional looks, especially when paired with chinos, dark denim jeans, or even a tailored suit. Keeping your appearance from feet to head fresh is essential.
Here are our fall footwear choices to keep your look simple, highly fashionable and most importantly, presentable.
Artwork by: Flimseygoods
First impressions can usually make or break a greeting, interview, or any social encounter. Appearance is very important when venturing out and about into the scrutinizing eye of the public, and no occasion is more important than that first glance. This means making sensible fashion choices are a necessity. Being exposed to the elements of coerced social situations can arise at any time, therefore being dressed to impress or at least appearing presentable, makes all the difference.
Dressing up all the time may seem like a daunting task for some, but trust me, throwing on something nice and looking in the mirror before leaving the house will surely save you potential embarrassment when you're caught by an important meet & greet.
So where do you begin? Some will say to start from top to bottom but realistically, shoes make or break an outfit. Most women will first glance at your facial features shortly after, her eyes will be evaluating (judging, dare I say) what type of shoes you have on. To compliment your choice of outerwear, certain outfits require a specific type of footwear. This upcoming fall, we’re going to help you be prepared for the stares.
Get fall ready with an arsenal of casual oxfords, sneakers, boots, and all kinds of wingtip dress shoes. They can all be exceptional looks, especially when paired with chinos, dark denim jeans, or even a tailored suit. Keeping your appearance from feet to head fresh is essential.
Here are our fall footwear choices to keep your look simple, highly fashionable and most importantly, presentable.
Artwork by: Flimseygoods