Keep your diet resolution with a simple detox
Did you eat too much? Yes. Drink too much? For sure. Suffice it to say you overdid it just a smidge. And now it’s the first week of February and all of your New Year’s resolutions have been, well, let’s just say “set aside.” If you’re insides are feeling a little unloved, it might be time to consider a detox.
Now, don’t let the word “detox” send you running. To get your body back on track and in correct working order, Laura Swim a holistic nutritionist, yoga instructor, and founder of Discover Balance Health and Wellness helps get us started, no scary fasting required.
You’ve heard it before but we’ll tell you again: the most important step to getting your body going again is to be properly hydrated. Aim to drink enough water so that you never feel thirsty. Why are we repeating this advice? Because being hydrated is involved in so many functions of our body. And what happens when your body isn’t properly hydrated? It starts taking water from wherever it can including your respiratory system, skin and digestive system. A good starting point is to begin each day with a cup of hot water with ½ a lemon squeezed in. Do this 20 minutes before eating anything to detoxify and tone your liver.
The next adjustment is taking a look at your grocery list. It can be really intimidating to switch up your shopping routine and know what to buy off the grocery store shelves, but know that it’s best to start by eating lots of fresh vegetables and cutting out processed and refined foods such as dairy, wheat, sugar and red meat. “When you look at the rainbow of colours in vegetables, they all contain a delicious chemical mix of different vitamins and minerals,” says Swim. For example, rich, red vegetables are high in vitamin A, which is good for all surface linings of the body, such as your skin, lungs, heart and stomach. If giving up steak and cheese is a little further than you’re willing to go, just try filling your cart with colourful whole foods, such as carrots, broccoli, sweet potato, cauliflower and peppers, and avoid over-processed crap.
Try not to get discouraged if you feel terrible for a couple days. “If your body is really needing a detox, you might feel worse before you feel better,” Swim says. You might find you get a headache, stomach aches, gas, or acne breakouts, since your skin is the largest organ for eliminations. “It will take a few days for your body to adjust and release toxins, but stick with it and you’ll start to feel great.”
Choose some healthy snacks that you’ll want to eat everyday. Trying to be creative with every meal can become an overwhelming task. Find a few basics ie: carrots, unsalted nuts, raw peppers and eat them everyday with your lunch or as a snack between meals.
You’ll find it easier to incorporate healthy foods when they become more of a habit and less of a task.
Did you eat too much? Yes. Drink too much? For sure. Suffice it to say you overdid it just a smidge. And now it’s the first week of February and all of your New Year’s resolutions have been, well, let’s just say “set aside.” If you’re insides are feeling a little unloved, it might be time to consider a detox.
Now, don’t let the word “detox” send you running. To get your body back on track and in correct working order, Laura Swim a holistic nutritionist, yoga instructor, and founder of Discover Balance Health and Wellness helps get us started, no scary fasting required.
You’ve heard it before but we’ll tell you again: the most important step to getting your body going again is to be properly hydrated. Aim to drink enough water so that you never feel thirsty. Why are we repeating this advice? Because being hydrated is involved in so many functions of our body. And what happens when your body isn’t properly hydrated? It starts taking water from wherever it can including your respiratory system, skin and digestive system. A good starting point is to begin each day with a cup of hot water with ½ a lemon squeezed in. Do this 20 minutes before eating anything to detoxify and tone your liver.
The next adjustment is taking a look at your grocery list. It can be really intimidating to switch up your shopping routine and know what to buy off the grocery store shelves, but know that it’s best to start by eating lots of fresh vegetables and cutting out processed and refined foods such as dairy, wheat, sugar and red meat. "When you look at the rainbow of colours in vegetables, they all contain a delicious chemical mix of different vitamins and minerals," says Swim. For example, rich, red vegetables are high in vitamin A, which is good for all surface linings of the body, such as your skin, lungs, heart and stomach. If giving up steak and cheese is a little further than you’re willing to go, just try filling your cart with colourful whole foods, such as carrots, broccoli, sweet potato, cauliflower and peppers, and avoid over-processed crap.
Try not to get discouraged if you feel terrible for a couple days. “If your body is really needing a detox, you might feel worse before you feel better,” Swim says. You might find you get a headache, stomach aches, gas, or acne breakouts, since your skin is the largest organ for eliminations. “It will take a few days for your body to adjust and release toxins, but stick with it and you’ll start to feel great.”
Editor's Tip:Choose some healthy snacks that you'll want to eat everyday. Trying to be creative with every meal can become an overwhelming task. Find a few basics ie: carrots, unsalted nuts, raw peppers and eat them everyday with your lunch or as a snack between meals.
You'll find it easier to incorporate healthy foods when they become more of a habit and less of a task.