Finding joy with a fresh approach to living
Successful women can be found in a plethora of industries. Magalie from Montreal’s juice and wellness company Joys of Living tells us how important it is to follow your dream and find the joys in your life.
WRG: What inspired Joys of Living?
Magalie: My partner and I both come from the busy-business world, working for fast-paced companies, giving the extra hours and all the energy possible, and yet feeling so unsatisfied with ourselves because we were neglecting everything about us: our bodies, our sleep, our foods, our relationships. Our health, because health doesn’t just mean eat good food and exercise, it’s a state of being. So, we wanted to help people who are caught up in the busy world.
WRG: What’s the company’s philosophy?
M: Always fresh. We strive to source only the best, freshest produce and encourage Québec agriculture. We shop around the markets throughout the year and we keep discovering new farms to associate ourselves with. Maybe one day we’ll have our own greenhouse, but in the mean time we just want to make sure that our juices have the freshest ingredients to offer the best nutritional value possible, especially during the winter months.
WRG: What were the biggest obstacles in starting your own business?
M: One of the first things I learnt starting a business is that the biggest obstacle to overcome is yourself. Once you understand that your own fears and insecurities are stopping you, then you can start crossing barriers and bridges to get where you want to go.
Other big obstacles that can arise once you decide to start is finding an investor that believes in your vision and then finding the right location for your business. Once you have this, then you can start building your brand and letting people know what you’re about to do. Be open to the feedbacks you receive and just keep stepping forward.
WRG: Who is Magalie?
M: I’m just a woman who really wants to make a difference in the world and not wait on someone else to do it for me. Enjoy taking part in the community and bringing good to people. People know me as Mags or Mags Living on social media, and if you know me or follow me, you’ll also know that I trained at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition in New York, which is an incredible movement of people who are passionate about making this world a better place, and one of my goals is to offer a real holistic approach to health. The word health has been abused by marketing companies, and it’s a real shame because they are really fooling people and making them believe that what they are eating, drinking or doing is actually healthy for them. I also believe in bio-individuality, where one person’s food is another’s person’s poison.
WRG: Where do you find the joys in your life?
M: Honestly, apart from changing my diet, I also found great joy when I decided to live a life of purpose, and a life that I love living every day. That comes possible when you are feeding your mind and body the right message and foods. Eating the wrong foods or feeding your mind with the wrong thoughts really takes over your spirit. It’s important to guard and protect our being constantly.
WRG: How do you feel about being a woman business owner? Do you have any advice for aspiring women entrepreneurs?
M: I think that men and women both have an ability to create a business, and they each have their strengths and weaknesses. I am extremely grateful to have a positive influence from my husband who complements and supports what I do and to also have siblings and a father who are business owners as well and inspired me to do the same. Creating a business, even with good financials, has to initially come from an inner-personal drive and daily mental as well as physical efforts. And that is something that no one else can do for you but yourself.
Successful women can be found in a plethora of industries. Magalie from Montreal’s juice and wellness company Joys of Living tells us how important it is to follow your dream and find the joys in your life.
WRG: What inspired Joys of Living?
Magalie: My partner and I both come from the busy-business world, working for fast-paced companies, giving the extra hours and all the energy possible, and yet feeling so unsatisfied with ourselves because we were neglecting everything about us: our bodies, our sleep, our foods, our relationships. Our health, because health doesn’t just mean eat good food and exercise, it’s a state of being. So, we wanted to help people who are caught up in the busy world.
WRG: What’s the company’s philosophy?
M: Always fresh. We strive to source only the best, freshest produce and encourage Québec agriculture. We shop around the markets throughout the year and we keep discovering new farms to associate ourselves with. Maybe one day we’ll have our own greenhouse, but in the mean time we just want to make sure that our juices have the freshest ingredients to offer the best nutritional value possible, especially during the winter months.
WRG: What were the biggest obstacles in starting your own business?
M: One of the first things I learnt starting a business is that the biggest obstacle to overcome is yourself. Once you understand that your own fears and insecurities are stopping you, then you can start crossing barriers and bridges to get where you want to go.
Other big obstacles that can arise once you decide to start is finding an investor that believes in your vision and then finding the right location for your business. Once you have this, then you can start building your brand and letting people know what you’re about to do. Be open to the feedbacks you receive and just keep stepping forward.
WRG: Who is Magalie?
M: I’m just a woman who really wants to make a difference in the world and not wait on someone else to do it for me. Enjoy taking part in the community and bringing good to people. People know me as Mags or Mags Living on social media, and if you know me or follow me, you’ll also know that I trained at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition in New York, which is an incredible movement of people who are passionate about making this world a better place, and one of my goals is to offer a real holistic approach to health. The word health has been abused by marketing companies, and it’s a real shame because they are really fooling people and making them believe that what they are eating, drinking or doing is actually healthy for them. I also believe in bio-individuality, where one person’s food is another’s person’s poison.
WRG: Where do you find the joys in your life?
M: Honestly, apart from changing my diet, I also found great joy when I decided to live a life of purpose, and a life that I love living every day. That comes possible when you are feeding your mind and body the right message and foods. Eating the wrong foods or feeding your mind with the wrong thoughts really takes over your spirit. It’s important to guard and protect our being constantly.
WRG: How do you feel about being a woman business owner? Do you have any advice for aspiring women entrepreneurs?
M: I think that men and women both have an ability to create a business, and they each have their strengths and weaknesses. I am extremely grateful to have a positive influence from my husband who complements and supports what I do and to also have siblings and a father who are business owners as well and inspired me to do the same. Creating a business, even with good financials, has to initially come from an inner-personal drive and daily mental as well as physical efforts. And that is something that no one else can do for you but yourself.