#DadTalks - Celebrating dad with Rosedale Ave.
When it comes to parenting you quickly learn that selflessness is a top priority and your whole world shifts from ‘me’ to ‘them’. It’s one of the so many incredible changes that cannot be paralleled until you experience parenting first hand.
We sat down with three notable dads, DJ and Restaurateur Toddy Flores, streetwear designer Setiz Taheri and barbershop owner Sage Holder. Over the course of a day we dove into each of their personal experiences with fatherhood, unveiling the honest truths about being a father.
They all exuded an unadulterated love for another human being. A love so pure that we can only bask in it, especially in the crazy world that we live in today.
Rosedale Ave is a conscious online kidswear retailer. They focus on curating a collection of children’s fashion brands that offer simple, socially conscious clothing and accessories.
When Rosedale approached us to collaborate on a video project, we were thrilled. We share the goal of sharing the incredible stories and celebrating the hard work of the men who exceed their daddy duties day in and day out.
Our subjects gave us every bit of that. Their openness reveals what it truly means to be a dad. Showcasing that beneath everything, these dads share a common thread; patience, genuine altruism, and beyond those, true unconditional love.
Whether you yourself are a father or currently just someone’s child, we encourage you to share your own #DadTalks because it’s about time we stand up proudly and say, thanks, dad.
When it comes to parenting you quickly learn that selflessness is a top priority and your whole world shifts from 'me' to 'them'. It’s one of the so many incredible changes that cannot be paralleled until you experience parenting first hand.
We sat down with three notable dads, DJ and Restaurateur Toddy Flores, streetwear designer Setiz Taheri and barbershop owner Sage Holder. Over the course of a day we dove into each of their personal experiences with fatherhood, unveiling the honest truths about being a father.
They all exuded an unadulterated love for another human being. A love so pure that we can only bask in it, especially in the crazy world that we live in today.
Rosedale Ave is a conscious online kidswear retailer. They focus on curating a collection of children's fashion brands that offer simple, socially conscious clothing and accessories.
When Rosedale approached us to collaborate on a video project, we were thrilled. We share the goal of sharing the incredible stories and celebrating the hard work of the men who exceed their daddy duties day in and day out.
Our subjects gave us every bit of that. Their openness reveals what it truly means to be a dad. Showcasing that beneath everything, these dads share a common thread; patience, genuine altruism, and beyond those, true unconditional love.
Whether you yourself are a father or currently just someone’s child, we encourage you to share your own #DadTalks because it’s about time we stand up proudly and say, thanks, dad.